Thursday, May 10, 2007

"If there was no way into God, I would never have laid in this grave of a body so long"

I've been on overload at the moment. thousands of things have been going on... nothing important, except uni.. and doing God's will.
See it all started about a week ago, when Tim Piesse did this incredible sermon on worship and that it's not about us it's about God. He told us, screw it if you don't like the words, it's not about you and what you like. it's worship to God and thats all that matters.
Last year I was thinking "no i won't sing that song because I don't agree" or "I hate the words they chose to use in this song"
Slowly I lost a lot of interest in singing in church, instead a few friends agreed with me and we began to critisize the songs until they lost any meaning.
Until that Sunday night, when Tim put me in my place.
And now i've birthed a new passion for worship, for worshiping my God.
I stopped making it all about me, and started treating worship as it should be.
On the way home one night that week, Casting Crows was played on Light FM, a song of theirs called "If We Are The Body"
it has an interesting chorus.

"But if we are the Body Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way"
It started making me think. How much are you living for God? I am so tired of hearing "I'm doing God's will, but a man's gotta eat" refering to a friend being called to do mission next month, but won't because he will have to leave his high paying job. where has faith gone?
Is faith lost in the old testimant? is faith an old word? is faith not important anymore?
Somestimes I think I have no faith, but then I look down and there is nothing holding me here except God. You don't have to have some miraculous event to show you have faith. You don't have to "feel" like you faith. You don't have to repeat that you have faith over and over, hoping to convince yourself or even God that you have it.
You just do.