Monday, July 31, 2006

"Everyone has a little Jonah in them..."

I guess I'll start this thing off on a poisitive note. Due to a painful "Stephen Said's" class... Im just going to start using this for an online outlet.
The name "I am Jonah" came to mind pretty fast when I was thinking of a name for this thing. I've been a "Jonah" [Refering to the Jonah in the bible who did a lot of running and hiding from God] I've been him all my life. well all my life is a little extreme. there are times when I followed Him, mostly on church camps.. and the first day after. But most of the time im dumbly running and hiding from God, ignoring Him and avoiding being in His presence. 2006 symbolises the fact that I have turned my life around and start following Him and listening to Him.. His not scary.. He doesn't express His "Wrathe" to me...

Thats the explanation to my name.

I think everyone has a little Jonah in them.. everyone has run, is running or contemplates running away from God.


Stephen Said said...

So what's this blog about then? Like an online journal? You will never guess what? I just discovered deathcab for cutie. I lurv 'em. DId you know they were influenced by Lali Puna? ANyway, will be interested in tracking your travels on this blog...

gemma said...

Hey Stephen.
I just saw Death Cab! they toured a few weeks ago!! highlight of my life.. really! If I knew you liked them I would have invited you to come!! but it might have scared your intrevertness with the amount of people there haha. I actually really like Lali Puna! I've been listening to them for the past month. German music is the happiness.
ps: yes this is an online journal... your silence thing has turned me into a thinker and expresser.... something happened to me today.. im not sure what... I guess you'll read about it.