(note: Im pretty much living by this, I don't just see these things as a fantasy, I see them as a thing that every man should strive for.)
oh and if you know someone like this, can you pass on my number?
ok, It has taken me a few years to come up with this list.
here we go:
My perfect man:
Core Values:
A man of Purity
A man of integrity
A man of honesty
A man that knows the Lord
a strong leader
a reponsible man
an authentic man
a financially stable man
an encouraging man
a reliable man
an intelligent man
an original man
a man of prayer
A man of the Word
a humble man
a loving man
a fearless warrior
a good father
a hard worker
a shepard
a kind nurturer
a good cook
a dignified man
an honarable man
a man to look up to
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Trip down to mornington
I have nothing to day but I brought The Breakfast Club the other day, and everytime I desire to watch it.. I'm going to go sit in my room and cry.. or read the bible and pray, like I want to.
dinner was bake beans tonight and im sure I am about to feel sick in about 10 minutes from spooning dynomite into my guts for the past 30 minutes :(
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Television = drug of the nation
I'm in Deb's house.. if thats what you call it! well I'll refer to it as a 'home' because 'house' doesn't do it justice. anyways moving on.
fasting from TV is EXTREMELY hard, everywhere you go there is a tv, and i'm not saying "the devil is tempting me" it's more like, THERE IS A LOT OF TV'S IN THIS WORLD! John Logie Baird you must be filthy rich!
fasting from TV is EXTREMELY hard, everywhere you go there is a tv, and i'm not saying "the devil is tempting me" it's more like, THERE IS A LOT OF TV'S IN THIS WORLD! John Logie Baird you must be filthy rich!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Last night I realised that I need to fast.
I've never fasted on my own terms, normally for church.
But it was pretty clear that, in order to leave room to move and answer, I have to fast.
not food, but I'm fasting TV.
So the next 3 weeks I won't be watching any OC, Neighbors, News,Movies etc...
I think this is the best idea ever.
but it is going to be so freaking hard :(
I've never fasted on my own terms, normally for church.
But it was pretty clear that, in order to leave room to move and answer, I have to fast.
not food, but I'm fasting TV.
So the next 3 weeks I won't be watching any OC, Neighbors, News,Movies etc...
I think this is the best idea ever.
but it is going to be so freaking hard :(
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
if your hands are dirty, get them dirtier!
If there is one thing you'll learn from me, is, stop being afraid.
Stop talking yourself out of things
Stop worrying what a stranger thinks
Stop being something your not.
Stop pretending you don't care
Stop taking things personal.
Stop trying to keep your self image "cool"
Because NONE of those things help people know about the KOG.
Screw how you feel, screw how you look or talk.
(what did you say? "you gotta talk the talk and walk their walk to communicate?" BS!)
Be yourself and thats who you will attract.. people like you.
Don't be a prep trying to convert a punk.
get it?
Stop talking yourself out of things
Stop worrying what a stranger thinks
Stop being something your not.
Stop pretending you don't care
Stop taking things personal.
Stop trying to keep your self image "cool"
Because NONE of those things help people know about the KOG.
Screw how you feel, screw how you look or talk.
(what did you say? "you gotta talk the talk and walk their walk to communicate?" BS!)
Be yourself and thats who you will attract.. people like you.
Don't be a prep trying to convert a punk.
get it?
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Weddings and blessing
"Your name brings life, it's more then the air I breathe"
Can I think of a more beautiful way of telling God how much he means to me.
Suddenly everything lately seems to mean so much.. the words in the bible, the words of my pastor, the words from within people... suddenly everything has meaning and depth. Things just don't sit on the surface anymore.. they sink in.
I watched my brother marry the love of his life. They asked me to do a reading from Proverbs, and as I stood in front of them and read those verses, it occured to me.. God is using me to share his words with them. I could almost feel God repeating the words to me to say to them.
I present to you, Mr and Mrs Lee

Can I think of a more beautiful way of telling God how much he means to me.
Suddenly everything lately seems to mean so much.. the words in the bible, the words of my pastor, the words from within people... suddenly everything has meaning and depth. Things just don't sit on the surface anymore.. they sink in.
I watched my brother marry the love of his life. They asked me to do a reading from Proverbs, and as I stood in front of them and read those verses, it occured to me.. God is using me to share his words with them. I could almost feel God repeating the words to me to say to them.
I present to you, Mr and Mrs Lee
Monday, November 13, 2006
I close my eyes, and then I slowly release the darkness and embrace the light.. i think it's called a blink?
I gave in to Amy's requests and went to work at six yesterday morning to cover for my Mexican, metal-head friend, Darren. I'm usually off Saturday mornings, but it got me out of bed and the few hours I spent there will add an extra sixty bucks to my paycheck next week. I'm amazed sometimes at how little I actually work at work. Today I got to hang in the merch office and I discovered that if you make a photocopy, cover it with even strips of scotch tape, then slowly peel back the copy, a grainy image will be left on the tape, which you can adhere to anything you please. So, I copied some pictures of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and taped them in my journal along with some drawings and random, distressing words clipped from an insurance company's fax. The images have a ghostly, urgent look that I'm really happy with. After that, I took the words "Death and Dismemberment" from the fax and stuck them onto a frame that held a picture of Gino's girlfriend. The frame was engraved with "Love is..." followed by a string of sentimental adjectives. Seeing that he's a dark and morbid type, I thought he'd enjoy my addition. I got back from work and watched Donnie Darko, which I hadn't seen in a year or so. I love that movie, but I was surprised (well, not really) by how artificial Drew Barrymore seems in her role. However, I've been repeating "Cellar Door" in my head endlessly for the last few hours. It really is a beautiful phrase.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
"If you've gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand."
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