Friday, August 04, 2006

"...Do not test the LORD your God..."

This lady came through work yesterday complaining about how she had just put her washing out and it had started to rain. I kinda did that awkward laugh thing. But she said something that I seem to keep repeating in my head. She said "I thought when you do good things, God rewards you?"

Their are three views to God.
The first is that we view God as a judge; we think if we do something wrong that he punishes us, or He continuesly judges us. A lot of people see God as a judge.
The second is that we think we have a "contract" with God; that we put in something just so we can get something back. Like that lady. She said that "..she made all this effort to get up early and put the washing out.." and yet it rained? for example; a girl who had stopped sleeping with her boyfriend because, "as a Christian", you shouldn't, yet she went for a job interview and "prayed for God to give her ths job" and she didn't get it. She winged that she had given up something and yet God still didn't bless her. Makes me sick when people put God on a contract.
The third view is to have a Covenant with God. Covenants are forever. And you trust each other. It's what our relationship with God should be.

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