Monday, January 08, 2007

eat your heart out

We will never be here again

There are moments in life... where you sit so still, and through the chaos.... of a thousand bodies moving around you, like you are lost in a sea. You turn your head... and there is that moment, where you swear everything is about to explode.

You hold your breath, just waiting for that next moment, the moment you can't even imagine how to prepare for. You close your eyes.. still feeling that increasing movement surrounding you, and you hear this still voice.

"Hold on"

The music blaring in your head phones starts building up, the drums, guitar and bass combine and become faster and faster.... the tension mounts and....

The peace follows.
You know when you were in primary/high school, you would be on your own doing a math equation suddenly you remember that the answers are in the back of the book! So you flip to the back, hurry through copying the answers... and your done! no blood shed!
Lifes not like that anymore. You can't keep just getting the answers without doing the equation first. There is a formula that creates the answer, if you just go and get the answer without the formula, yes you will be happy, but you will be even more lost then ever. It's not having the answers in life that makes you live the happy life.. It's the formula, the blood and tears you shed to get that happiness... that makes it real happiness!
ahh I have nothing more to add right now.
don't try and take shortcuts in life. thats not living it to the full!

1 comment:

Jo said...

Gemma, you are awesome, and beautiful, and brilliant, and i love you stacks!! missing you girl!!