Monday, October 16, 2006

where to start.
I have been praying for someone to move into the community house, seeing that one of the guys had moved out and the others were looking for someone to take the spare room (mainly so the rent was cheeper). So I have and we have been praying and talking to a few people, in the mean time my brother was winging that he was wanting to move out and after a couple of weeks of "stop winging, be happy" God pointed out that my prayers and my brothers wishes were actually linked! (ok so i was a little slow!)
So Sunday my brother moved into his new place and suddenly the community had not only a new member, BUT it is my own blood!
See the goodness from this is, my brother, like the rest of my family, were raised in a Christian home. When he was 19 he desided that he didn't want to take part in church or have any involvment in religion. And I have been praying for as long as I can remember for God to help me help him, but for him to find christian friends that would be a great influence on him. Now his not only making friends with my community, but his hanging with Christians his own age, who are amazing people... and his seeing that.
So THANK GOD! is all I can say.. so many prayers being answered.. God is truely incredible!

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